How to order
On website
Browse through the website to find suitable rug(s) of your choice. If you don’t find what you are looking for, use the search feature on the website or write to us.
When you have found a rug you would like to purchase, please click on the green "ADD TO CART" button within the carpet’s details page. A "details" page for a particular rug can be accessed by clicking on the rug's thumbnail image in your shopping cart. .
Once you are ready to make your purchase, please scroll to the bottom of your shopping cart and click the "NEXT" button. This will take you a checkout page; once you enter all the order details and click “NEXT”, you will be taken to payment page where you will be asked to choose a payment method for your order. You can then complete the checkout process and we will receive your order at our end. You will also receive a confirmation email for your order on your provided email address.
Once we receive notification of your order we will might call or email you to confirm your order(s), especially Cash on Delivery (COD) order(s) before shipping. We ship your rug(s) in the next couple of days and send you a courier tracking number via e-mail or phone. This will enable you to track your rug(s) during the course of the delivery period.
Over Phone
You can order by calling us on phone on the following numbers:
+92 42 37424512 (landline)
-92 333 7770222 (helpline)
We will note down your order and will send you an invoice for confirmation before shipping your order.
Via Whatsapp
To make it more convenient to a large section of our customer who are more comfortable communicating on Whatsapp, we accept orders over Whatsapp as well. Please send us your SKU# of the rug(s) you want to order with your full name, delivery address and contact number on the following Whatsapp number:
+92 333 7770333